Speech stimulation in children's development through specialized psychopedagogical therapies with clinical methods during growth




Stimulation, speech, development, therapies


This research addresses a topic of great importance in the development of childhood, since it deals with children's speech, being a process that passes through stages during child growth according to the psychophysiological and anatomical particularities that each child who exceeds the objectives of age called advances in child development. This research aims to socialize primary school teachers, nurseries and the general public with knowledge of clinical psychology, therapeutic psychopedagogues, speech therapy, speech therapists that enable the incorporation of specialized care services for the correction and stimulation of speech in childhood, we start from an experience acquired as a psychopedagogical in training and exercised in a multidisciplinary commission of child therapists in institutions of great credibility in the republic of Cuba such as the diagnosis and orientation center (CDO), clinic for adolescents in Santiago de Cuba, Horácio Rodrigues school and others Special education institutions that were on the psychopedagogue's work agenda as a child therapist.


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How to Cite

(2020). Speech stimulation in children’s development through specialized psychopedagogical therapies with clinical methods during growth: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 212–222. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5294



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