The Edad de Oro, an essential tool for history




history, culture, historical memory, tool


Is necessary the study of the native history to understand the problems that the man's existence like social fellow threaten, transformer, from the relationships present-past-future. The Age of Gold", constitutes essential tool, he/she allows to drink of its teachings, to promote the habit of the reading in children / ace, adolescents and youths when endowing them of knowledge, ethical, human, and historical values, with which its author conceives it, from the instruction, the entertainment, of his readers for his transcendences and present time. Purpose of this work to meditate around the use of this Magazine, to develop the study of the history and their teaching, given their value for the historical, humanist, political-ideological formation and the principles in the formation of the professional of the education, to face the challenges of the representing governments of the interests of the capitalism that today enable "the end of the history." 


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). The Edad de Oro, an essential tool for history: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 224–236. Retrieved from