Agronomic learning from personal living in the classes



  • Isabel Pérez-Villariño Instituto Politécnico Agropecuario “Giraldo Córdova Cardín, Palma Soriano
  • Andrés Francisco Pérez-Almaguer Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


culture of the occupation, motivation, classroom


The polytechnic Agricultural Palma Soriano's Institute accomplishes the present investigating work itself at the municipality. Centers his attention in the elaboration of classrooms developers through exercises with the job of communicative techniques that they propitiate the development of the motivation at the classrooms, as well as perfecting and systematization of professional abilities that students learned from in previous levels for the achievement the culture of the agricultural occupation from the classrooms, increasing the power of the sensible expression and intervening esthetics the correct application of the ground ruleses of the works of cultivations through the different exercises and tasks that realize, influencing the formation of the personality of the new generations, to prepare them for his future insertion in this labor world (Public sector and state-owned no ).


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How to Cite

, & . (2020). Agronomic learning from personal living in the classes: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 94–106. Retrieved from



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