Reading and its promotion at Junior High School since the school library


  • Yuleyvis Arañó-Gerez Secundaria Básica Fe del Valle Ramos. Santiago de Cuba.
  • Nurman Colón-Mustelier Universidad de Ciencias Pedagógicas “Frank País García”


reading, development of habits of reading, promotion of reading, junior High School Teaching


Reading is one of the route man has to acquire knowledge and it is a set of abilities and at the same time a complex and variable process. Which learning has to include, at least, the courses of primary and secondary teaching? With this article, it is pretended to go deeper and provide an adequate treatment to an everyday problem that is affecting the teaching learning process that is insufficient habits of reading the students have at the Secondary Education. With the aim of avoiding this difficulties the author proposes a set of activities directed to straitening these students´ habits of reading, so that, they could contribute to raise the general integral culture. In the research there were used methods such as theoretical, empirical and statistics



How to Cite

, & . (2016). Reading and its promotion at Junior High School since the school library. Maestro Y Sociedad, 11(1), 98–106. Retrieved from




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