Soft skills in the teaching staff of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí


  • Gabriel Rodolfo García Murillo Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Cindy Tatiana Bucaran Intriago Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador


soft skills, higher education; communication, empathy


Introduction: Today, soft skills (transversal competencies) are increasingly appreciated by employers as essential skills for professional success. Likewise, these skills are necessary to function as individuals in today's society. In this sense, this article aims to design a training program to contribute to the strengthening of soft skills. Materials and methods: The research is descriptive, with a mixed approach and non-experimental design. The characteristics of the development of soft skills that university teachers possess and their relationship with the correct development of the teaching-learning process were analyzed without affecting the main variables, the sample consisted of 1001 students and 60 teachers from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí whose selection criterion was intentional non-probabilistic for convenience, and two surveys were used, one for teachers and another for students. . Results: There is a deficiency in the development of soft skills of the Faculty's teachers in all dimensions, however, those with the lowest values are those of communication, empathy, adaptability and the results of their teaching work, which allows the author of this research suggests as a proposed solution the implementation of a program of activities that strengthens these skills in teachers of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí. Proposal: Activities were designed, including 4 trainings and 4 workshops, in order to improve the development of soft skills in university teachers. Conclusion: The proposal presented is viable and effective for what it was designed for. Its implementation will contribute to overcoming the difficulties identified, favoring a more collaborative and effective educational environment.


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How to Cite

García Murillo, G. R., & Bucaran Intriago, C. T. (2025). Soft skills in the teaching staff of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí. Maestro Y Sociedad, 22(1), 22–35. Retrieved from


