Research skills in higher education students
research skills, higher education, scientific communication, methodological procedures, training practicesAbstract
Introduction: This paper presents a systematic review of the literature in the field of academic training, by analyzing the research skills of students at a university in Ecuador in 2024, observing the students' ability to write, present and disseminate their scientific findings; research methods, statistical techniques and methodological procedures; didactic and formative strategies that allow identifying strengths in training and performance in scientific research processes in higher education. Materials and methods: The methodology consisted of searching for information from articles indexed in recognized databases such as Google Scholar, Scielo, Dialnet, and the search was carried out in the dimensions of scientific communication, methodological procedures and training practices. Results: The communication of scientific results in research that takes a qualitative approach is a complex and dynamic process, according to the findings that specify that scientific communication, whether oral or written, must transmit the results of the research with rigor, clarity, accuracy and concreteness, in accordance with the standards of this type of communication; however, sometimes the required level of communication is not achieved, despite assuming a qualitative approach. Discussion: Regarding the methodological procedures aimed at the publication of scientific results as articles in indexed journals, a systematic, contextual and flexible methodology is required; considering the indexing standards whose specific inclusion requirements, such as the thematic scope, editorial policies, level of professionalization and archiving policy, which means reaching levels of greater visibility and reliability. Conclusions: It is concluded that research skills in students enable political, social and economic impact in education, contributing to the development of knowledge and scientific research during their academic and professional training.
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Copyright (c) 2024 July Elizabeth Fabre Cavanna, Roberto Arturo Rojas Vera, Josué Geovanny Carriel Villegas, Paola Michelle Rizzo Fabre, Leonor Abad Bautista
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