Learning styles in university students
learning styles, students, educational environments, universitiesAbstract
Introduction: The objective of this article is to know the form of application of the "learning styles" in the universities of the city of Guayaquil, 2024. Materials and methods: A bibliographic review methodology of several authors was applied; for which, indexed databases were taken and said investigations were compared with the previously established theories. Results: The main learning style applied by the students of the universities of the city of Guayaquil is the "active style", represented in most of the investigations as the most appropriate for capturing attention in the classrooms; however, each learning style contributes to the student's profile, there are profiles with predominant styles, this is contrasted with the way of interacting, expressing and relating. Discussion: The pragmatic style in university students has to do with active experience, it is important to apply pragmatic skills in education to achieve effective communication in the academic and social environment, which includes the ability. It is concluded that their practices can be reformulated to better adapt them to the different sociocultural contexts and facilitate better learning results when teaching. Conclusions: It is concluded that each style contributes to the student profile; if each one has a particularity, there are profiles that have a more developed style and this is related to the way of interacting, expressing themselves and relating.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Edgar Daniel Santos Ortiz, Jemimah Lourdes Viteri Chiriboga, Josue Geovanny Carriel Villegas, July Elizabeth Fabre Cavanna
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