B-learning as a didactic strategy in the subject of Entrepreneurship and Management in the first year of the baccalaureate


  • Alexandra Beatriz Fuenmayor Camargo Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Gleimar Edilia Hernández Martínez Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Julia Orlenda Robinson Aguirre Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Jorge Mesa Vazquez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


b-learning; didactic strategy; educational outcomes; information and communication technologies


Introduction: Nowadays, the use of innovative use of innovative teaching strategies has become a necessity to promote effective and meaningful learning. to promote effective and meaningful learning. B-learning, a combination of face-to-face and virtual education, presents itself as a promising alternative to enrich the teaching-learning process at the baccalaureate level. the baccalaureate. Objective: To identify strengths and areas for improvement in the implementation of b-learning as a didactic implementation of B-learning as a didactic strategy in the subject of Entrepreneurship and Management. Entrepreneurship and Management. Methodology: A questionnaire was administered to a representative sample of students representative sample of students, addressing aspects such as the accessibility of the digital digital material, interaction with online resources, effectiveness of the practical activities and overall practical activities and overall satisfaction with the b-learning approach. Results: Revealed a positive perception of students regarding the flexibility and convenience of the b-learning methodology. flexibility and convenience of the b-learning methodology, as well as the possibility of access to up-to-date resources. access to up-to-date resources. However, areas for improvement were also identified of improvement related to the need for greater clarity in the instructions and more personalized interaction between the teacher and the students. and more personalized interaction between teacher and students. Conclusions: These findings suggest the importance of adapting and improving the implementation of b-learning in the Entrepreneurship and Management course, in order to enhance educational to enhance educational outcomes at the baccalaureate level.


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How to Cite

Fuenmayor Camargo, A. B., Hernández Martínez, G. E., Robinson Aguirre, J. O., & Mesa Vazquez, J. (2024). B-learning as a didactic strategy in the subject of Entrepreneurship and Management in the first year of the baccalaureate. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(4), 1680–1691. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6562


