Playful strategies to promote inclusion in students with special educational needs


  • Gema Carolina Valdiviezo Cuenca Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Gema Viviana Carvajal Zambrano Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador


Play as learning, Educational Inclusion, Playful Strategies


He presents research focuses on the application of pedagogical strategies such as games that can be used for teaching and learning and the impact on the development and educational participation of students with special educational needs, at the elementary level of the "Gonzalo S. Córdova" Educational Unit, in the year 2022. The use of the bibliographic method allowed us to gather relevant information on the standards and guidelines promoted by the government for the promotion of competencies and inclusion of all students, applying strategies that can be used in teaching practice, and thus, achieve participation and initiate social development in the learning of students with special educational needs. In addition to using interviews with teachers to learn about their strengths and weaknesses on this topic and whether they promote inclusion in their classrooms, we also worked with observation guides and activities for students with special needs at the elementary level that allowed us to determine whether the work done in the classroom by the teacher gives the student the confidence to acquire skills and abilities in their knowledge development. The use of playful strategies for inclusion and the lack of knowledge of the adaptive curriculum in teachers prove to be a barrier to the development of skills in students, so training should be encouraged in the Education districts on how to work with students with special educational needs who are enrolled in regular institutions and thus reduce educational inequality.


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How to Cite

Valdiviezo Cuenca, G. C., & Carvajal Zambrano, G. V. (2024). Playful strategies to promote inclusion in students with special educational needs. Maestro Y Sociedad, 240–249. Retrieved from

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