Gamification and its impact on the teaching-learning of mathematics, Nicolás Infante Díaz Educational Unit


  • Janeth del Carmen Flores Carrillo Unidad Educativa Nicolás Infante Díaz, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Sulay María Sampedro Mackliff Unidad Educativa Las Naves Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Jenniffer Vanessa Chavarría Barberán Unidad Educativa San Carlos, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • María Leonor Campana Deca Unidad Educativa 11 de Octubre, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


Gamification, teaching-learning, mathematics, academic performance, methodological guide


Introduction: In this research, the effect of gamification as a pedagogical strategy on academic performance will be analyzed, taking as an object of study the teaching staff of the Nicolás Infante Díaz Educational Unit, located in the San Camilo Parish belonging to the Quevedo canton, Los Ríos Province. Materials and methods: The diagnosis, exploration and formulation of the proposal will consider as a sample the teachers of the upper basic mathematics area, to whom the survey will be applied as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. According to the nature of the research, it is of a quantitative, qualitative, descriptive, purposeful, explanatory and documentary approach, contributing to the understanding of the study variables through theoretical, conceptual and legal foundations, the object of study is gamification as a strategy for teaching-learning mathematics for students of the upper basic school of the Nicolás Infante Díaz Educational Unit, of the Quevedo Canton, period 2021-2022. Results: Teacher training programs are designed taking into account the identified weaknesses. In the diagnosis of the research, priority was given to identifying the gamified teaching strategies necessary to improve the way students of the Nicolás Infante Díaz educational unit learn. Discussion: The theoretical foundations of gamification and its impact on mathematics learning are achieved by establishing and implementing exploration objectives and protocols in the context of gamification that allow the extraction of qualitative information, the classification of data and its adequate writing. Conclusions: The assessment of the effectiveness of gamification and its impact on the teaching of mathematics was carried out from a rubric that measures the level of compliance with the proposed indicators after each workshop, assessing the performance of teachers in training.


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How to Cite

Flores Carrillo, J. del C., Sampedro Mackliff, S. M., Chavarría Barberán, J. V., & Campana Deca, M. L. (2024). Gamification and its impact on the teaching-learning of mathematics, Nicolás Infante Díaz Educational Unit. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1260–1269. Retrieved from




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