Use of technology for the teaching-learning of mathematics in students of educational units


  • Jaime Amado Rosero Rojas Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Cristian Paul Topa Chuquitarco Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Pedro Alexander Mestanza Segura Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Leydi Verónica Ruiz Loor Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador


Learning, Education, Knowledge, Mathematics, Technology


The use of technology in the teaching-learning process through Information and Communication Technologies as tools for the educational process causes great changes and transformations in teachers and students at different levels of training. The present research work aims to analyze the incidence of ICT in the teaching-learning of mathematics in students of educational units, in the Quevedo Canton, Los Ríos Province in Ecuador. The research is framed in a qualitative-quantitative approach, through exploratory and descriptive, using the survey technique as a questionnaire as a data collection instrument, which allows collecting fundamental information, high school students and mathematics teachers from the educational units were taken as the reference population. The application of ICT in student learning has notably favored the existence of more significant learning, in addition to the fact that there has been a predisposition on the part of teachers to innovate in this area, through the use of technological resources, whose applications They have allowed students to assimilate new learning in a dynamic, novel and understandable way with satisfactory results.


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How to Cite

Rosero Rojas, J. A., Topa Chuquitarco, C. P., Mestanza Segura, P. A., & Ruiz Loor, L. V. (2024). Use of technology for the teaching-learning of mathematics in students of educational units. Maestro Y Sociedad, 305–313. Retrieved from



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