Meaningful learning of reading and writing in basic education


  • Ruth Elena Vera Ramos Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí, Ecuador
  • Genny Elizabeth Zambrano Gallardo Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí, Ecuador


Comprehensive Understanding. Skills. Strategies. Aesthetic experience


This research aims to explore the influence of methodological strategies on meaningful literacy learning in basic
education. In the field of literacy, much remains to be discovered, both regarding the processes involved and the
associated neurological functions. There are uncertainties about the most effective ways to teach these foundational
skills and how to approach more effective teaching practices.The proposed hypothesis suggests that the use of specific
and appropriate strategies can significantly contribute to the teaching and learning process, enabling students to develop
effective skills to communicate their ideas clearly and coherently in real-life contexts. To conduct this research, a mixed
research approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods is adopted. This involves starting with a matrix of
operationalization of variables based on precise definitions of key concepts. Additionally, tools such as questionnaires
and surveys directed at school administrators, teachers, and parents are employed to systematically collect data. The
findings of this research highlight the value of written assessments but also suggest exploring personalized approaches.
There is a focus on balancing the preference for receptive learning with a willingness to combine approaches and foster
autonomy. Furthermore, the importance of considering the richness of reading activity and addressing the limited
familiarity with the 'aesthetic experience' is emphasized to enrich teaching practices, involving both teachers and
parents in this process.


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How to Cite

Vera Ramos, R. E., & Zambrano Gallardo, G. E. (2023). Meaningful learning of reading and writing in basic education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 180–196. Retrieved from



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