Sociolinguistic factors that influence the oral skills of high school students


  • Jeny Stefania Mero Vélez Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí”, Ecuador
  • Genny Elizabeth Zambrano Gallardo Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí”, Ecuador

Palabras clave:

Speaking, Sociolinguistic factors, education, English language


Introduction: Speaking is one of the most important skills for second language learners to acquire, especially when sociolinguistic factors are considered. However, the majority of scholars find it difficult to communicate and articulate their ideas properly. This study determined the sociolinguistic factors that influence the development of speaking abilities at a private school in Chone. Materials and methods: A mixed approach within a descriptive orientation method was the methodology used, with data being collected through a sort of field research that permits a more direct record of the data with the subject of the study in question employing the different methodologies. Results and discussion: We will gather information by interviewing instructors and collecting data from high school students via surveys and observation sheets, The findings indicate that numerous sociolinguistic factors influence students speaking ability in upper middle education, preventing them from speaking in front of others. Conclusions: It is concluded that teachers should pay attention to the barriers that hinder the development of speaking abilities in young learners, push them to overcome their fear of speaking, and include technology into their lessons to help them reach their goals.


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Cómo citar

Mero Vélez, J. S., & Zambrano Gallardo, G. E. (2024). Sociolinguistic factors that influence the oral skills of high school students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1433–1441. Recuperado a partir de




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