The formation for the safe management of ICT from the university-company relationship

The formation for the safe management of ICT from the university-company relationship


  • Rubén Font-Hernández Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yoan Silveira-Escalante Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


ICT, basic competence in infocommunications, human capital, university-business relationship


Introduction: The irruption of ICT in socio-productive processes requires human capital whose skills are developed to promote a proactive mode of action before the contributions of ICT. Materials and methods: This process is conceived through the bilateral contribution of the university-business relationship, supported by a proposal for an alternative action plan that makes possible the possession of good practices in the safe management of said technologies by the human capital linked to the business sector that focused the objective outlined in the investigation that was protected in the materialist dialectic using in a special way the analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and the unity of the logical and the historical. Results: The processes that make possible the preparation of human capital based on good practices in the management of ICTs, converge in the development of basic competence in infocommunications and a proactive mode of action before the contributions of ICTs. Discussion: The strengths of the business sector in the face of the possibility of an incident have a direct relationship with the development of basic competence in infocommunications and the proactive mode of action of its human capital to safely manage ICT in any field. Conclusions: The growth in the preparation of human capital from a training process around the safe management of ICT from the university-business bilateral link will contribute to the greater efficiency of the socio-productive and training processes in the university, based on the attention to the needs of production and services in the demanded areas, without losing sight of the fact that the training of the graduate is directed towards an action that allows him to solve situations that may not be predetermined.


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How to Cite

Font-Hernández, R., & Silveira-Escalante, Y. (2023). The formation for the safe management of ICT from the university-company relationship: The formation for the safe management of ICT from the university-company relationship. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 447–457. Retrieved from


