Continuous training as a process of updating the university graduate

Continuous training as a process of updating the university graduate


  • Ariagna Fernández Sanabia Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Nadia Barrabí Guardiola Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Lizette de la Concepción Pérez Martínez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


continuous training, graduate follow-up, university-company


Introduction: Continuous training processes respond to social needs and the possibility of raising the training performance of university graduates, having to provide transformations that respond to the changes that society imposes.
Materials and methods: This work is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach that aims to characterize the continuous training process of Engineering graduates in the university-company link. The analysis-synthesis methods and the documentary review allow us to exalt the relevance that is granted to the continuous training.
Results: It is a priority of the universities to search for excellence in the educational field and in the design of tools that allow the systematic monitoring of the continuous training of graduates in the face of the accelerated changes in society, as an integrating function of the acquired knowledge, the skills and values that are continuously formed to achieve greater specialization.
Discussion: The university is the institution created by society with the objective of generating, transmitting and disseminating knowledge through interrelated actions to obtain the results that society requires, and to strengthen the university-business link.
Conclusions: The process of continuous training according to the needs of the environment in which the graduate lives and develops is a concern of all time, which is specified in training a professional that meets the demands of contemporary development.


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How to Cite

Fernández Sanabia, A. ., Barrabí Guardiola, N. ., & Pérez Martínez, L. de la C. . (2023). Continuous training as a process of updating the university graduate: Continuous training as a process of updating the university graduate. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 82–88. Retrieved from




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