Affection and trust in the educational process
Affection and trust in the educational process
Affectivity, trust, educational process, teacher, studentsAbstract
The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of affection and trust in the educational process. The methodology used was the bibliographic review, materialized from a narrative review of academic texts, which implied a systematic process of inquiry, analysis, organization, and interpretation of scientific articles that have had the teacher-student relations and the factors that interfere in the educational process of students. The results reveal that the affective relationships that can be established between the two actors in education are essential and determinant to achieve the academic satisfaction of the students. Likewise, it was found that trust should be considered as a strategy for teachers to be able to train young people in autonomy, as well as to build senses and meanings from a collaborative and dialogical perspective, which will allow the achievement of relevant learning. It is concluded that affection and trust have a favorable impact on the integral formation of students.
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