Professional Development Needs of the surgeon in attention to the elder patient with acute peritonitis




professional improvement, elder patient, acute peritonitis, surgeon


The surgeon’s improvementis a necessity inresponseto the societ's demand and the Cuban Medical Higher Education’s principles. The acute peritonitis in the elder patient is a serious complication of high mortality rate which requires an early diagnosis and effective treatment, demanding the systemic update of the specialists on this topic as a part of their permanent formation and to for the improvement of the professional development along with higher ethical values that favirs their personal growth. This article has as objective to analyze the necessity of professional improving of the surgeons related to the clinical and surgical attention of the elder patient with acute peritonitis, for which it was used as theoretical level methods: systematizing, documentary analysis and empirical, concluding that this improvementis achieved with design strategies and individual responsibility.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). Professional Development Needs of the surgeon in attention to the elder patient with acute peritonitis: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 869–880. Retrieved from




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