The teaching-learning process in Taekwondo sport from tactics and its components




tactics, teaching, learning, Taekwondo


The teaching-learning process of Taekwondo as a system is made up of sub-processes whose harmonic interrelation lead, on the one hand, to the integral formation of the learning subjects, on the other hand, to the achievement of certain competitive results. This last aspiration is achieved through the treatment of the tactic, in which the didactic vision for the 11-12 years old athletes has been insufficient. The purpose of this article is to offer arguments that resize the tactic and its constitutive components with a level of contextualization in the aforementioned age category, for which the following methods are used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and functional structural systemic. Among its peculiarities, the existence of functional relationships with other components of the indicated system and its identity and complex character were revealed.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). The teaching-learning process in Taekwondo sport from tactics and its components: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(2), 551–562. Retrieved from




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