The culture of prevention and its dimensions in the university community




culture of prevention, risk behavior, quality of life, substantive processes, and system of actions


Treating the culture of prevention from the educational process is to single it out as an educational nexus of exceptional dimensions; Therefore, it is to project it on the basis of orientation and improvement in the various areas of knowledge, in the development of skills and values; and, therefore, the substantive processes - academic, investigative, extensionist - that dynamize and expand the socio-educational process of the students are involved. Therefore, the work sets the following objective: To interpret the need to link the culture of prevention with the educational teaching process through a System of Actions. In the development of the investigation, the analysis-synthesis and system approach methods were weighted; In addition, observation and research techniques were taken into account. On the other hand, the integration of the different social, academic, research, sports and cultural impact tasks was verified. This integration is the result of research.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). The culture of prevention and its dimensions in the university community: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(2), 488–501. Retrieved from




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