HIV/AIDS prevention education for adolescents with community intervention in the health area




HIV/AIDS prevention, adolescents, educational strategy, community orientation, comprehensive general medicine


The HIV/AIDS disease constitutes a health problem in the population of the “Frank País García” Teaching Polyclinic in the Santiago de Cuba province. Working with adolescents is an alternative to develop responsible sexual behavior in this group vulnerable to contagion. In this sense, the development of an educational strategy for the prevention of HIV / AIDS in adolescents is planned through the community intervention of the specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine. The investigative methods: observation, surveys, systemic and statistical Epi Info 6 for the processing of the information obtained allow to confirm the effectiveness of the investigation through its results that are revealed in the increase of the level of knowledge of the participants in the study, by reducing risky sexual behaviors and the incidence of the disease in the health area, in a period of three years, from all of which the importance of prevention with education is deduced.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). HIV/AIDS prevention education for adolescents with community intervention in the health area: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(1), 64–77. Retrieved from




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