Professional improvement in the face of the early diagnosis of breast cancer in primary health care




professional improvement, Cuban medicine, breast cancer


Cancer, being one of the major health problems in developed countries, the trend in recent years shows an increase in the incidence of cancer and a decrease in mortality in both sexes and for most tumors. Until recently, cancer care has focused primarily on highly technological interventions targeting the disease, with a view to improving survival. There is now an increasing emphasis on the preventive approach, early diagnosis, long-survivor care, and end-of-life care. In this new approach, primary care is called upon to play a crucial role because of its ability to provide comprehensive, person-centered, longitudinal and accessible care. In addition, the family doctor is trained and has been applying those interventions that have been shown to be effective on the lifestyles that play a key role in the development of cancer.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). Professional improvement in the face of the early diagnosis of breast cancer in primary health care: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(4), 960–974. Retrieved from




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