La Edad de Oro perspective for gender education in adolescents




Education, kind, justice, teens


The present work addresses the significance of La Edad de Oro with an axiological, sociopolitical, cosmo-vision, cultural and educational perspective, aimed at the boys and girls of America it has great significance in contemporaneity to be maintained, an international context in which persists many problems that Martí lived in its creation, hence it becomes an obligatory reference for the training of education professionals in training by providing them with a universal and Latin American culture to transform discriminatory, exclusive and violent social relations ; so that it acquires total validity; so the purpose of this is to reflect on the value of La Edad de Oro for gender education of girls, boys and adolescents from the humanistic content based on human improvement, social justice and to prepare the human being for life.


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2. Escalona, I. (2013). José Martí. Aproximaciones. Santiago de Cuba: Ediciones Santiago.
3. Lopez, J. (2017). El tratamiento educativo al género en la labor educativa del colectivo pedagógico en la formación inicial del profesional de la educación de Marxismo Leninismo e Historia. (Tesis de doctorado). Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
4. Martí, J. (1889). La Edad de Oro. La Habana, Cuba: Centro de Estudios Martianos.
5. Pacheco, M. y Pupo, R. (2017). José Martí la educación como formación humana. La Habana, Cuba: Centro de Estudios Martianos.
6. Valdés, R. (2002). José Martí, sus padres y siete



How to Cite

(2020). La Edad de Oro perspective for gender education in adolescents: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 117–126. Retrieved from

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