The Natural and Traditional Medicine: necessity to elevate the level in the resident of Internal Medicine




Preparation, Natural and traditional medicine, Internal Medicine residents


The specialty as a postgraduate form is characterized by a high rigor in updating and deepening knowledge that allow the training of specific skills in the professional, for the benefit of comprehensive patient care. This research aims to: identify the level of preparation of internal medicine residents in natural and traditional medicine modalities at the Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba in June 2019. Method: theoretical and theoretical level methods were used empirical. An observation guide on patient care and a questionnaire were applied to the 23 residents with prior informed consent. Descriptive statistics were used to process the information. The applied diagnostic instruments corroborated the insufficient preparation of the Internal Medicine resident for the incorporation of therapeutic procedures of Natural and Traditional Medicine in their performance in patient care.



How to Cite

, , , & . (2020). The Natural and Traditional Medicine: necessity to elevate the level in the resident of Internal Medicine: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(4), 817–827. Retrieved from




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