Career guidance: a challenge for the professional training of the new generations in the Republic of Angola


  • Rosa das Dores Mutango-Ndala Luanda


professional orientation, Angolan education, professional training


The purpose of this article is to reflect on the challenges that the prospects for economic and social development of the Republic of Angola impose on the professional orientation in the conditions of scientific and technological development. The result that is presented shows the experience in the Angolan education of the development of the professional orientation of the personality from an integrative tendency of the orientation as educational influences that make possible the professional self-determination from the use of different educational methods. The social impact of the professional orientation process is given in that the integration of the factors involved in the process favors the development of professional orientation from the hetero-education which should guarantee the gradual and systematic transmission of the historical-cultural experience of society in the professional context.


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How to Cite

(2019). Career guidance: a challenge for the professional training of the new generations in the Republic of Angola. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(1), 69–81. Retrieved from


