Neuropedagogía And stimulation to the development of the abilities socioemocionales in technical careers


  • Lilia María Sarmiento Montoya Instituto Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología, Ecuador
  • Pedro Fernando Tubay Pilay Instituto Superior Tecnológico LEMAS, Ecuador
  • Roxana Karina Sosa Zerna Unidad Educativa Colegio Fiscomisional Santa María Mazzarello, Ecuador
  • Jordani Eduardo Sanabria Hinojoza Comunitario Intercultural Bilingüe Rio Dashino, Ecuador


socio-emotional skills, social interaction, neuropedagogy, interpersonal relationships


Introduction: The development of students' socio-emotional skills in technology is crucial for their professional training, as it fosters their awareness, self-knowledge, emotions and empathy to face their future profession. Addressing this situation from neuroeducation requires a look at neuroscience, with the participation of the neuropedagogue to establish different ways in the teaching and learning processes that stimulate the development of socio-emotional skills in students of technical careers. The inadequacies found allowed us to identify the scientific problem: How to stimulate the development of socio-emotional skills in technical careers from neuropedagogy? The objective of this problem is to develop actions to contribute, from neuropedagogy, to the development of socio-emotional skills (social interaction and interpersonal relationships) in technical careers at the ITB. Materials and methods: The methodology is developed from a predominantly qualitative approach and a descriptive and exploratory scope; for its development, theoretical methods and empirical techniques were used, the latter for diagnosis based on observation, and a semi-structured interview with teachers, which allowed identifying the manifestations of the problem. Its relevance is assessed from a socialization workshop with specialist criteria. Results: The present results reveal that, although the problem associated with the development of socio-emotional skills has always been a topic, analyzing it from the perspective of neuropedagogy explains it as linked to learning experiences, insufficiencies that still persist, focused little on the teaching-learning process, which should be given attention. This suggests that there could be a gap in the training of technical training students in terms of the development of socio-emotional skills of social interaction and interpersonal relationships. Discussion: The development of socio-emotional skills from neuropedagogy in the training process allows to examine and operate one's own and others' emotions, and as an educational innovation, to respond to social needs that are poorly addressed in training, which limits the adequate management of emotions. Conclusions: The interview with teachers allowed us to verify their deficiencies and shortcomings, and the existence of negative behaviors that affect the emotional stress of teachers and students, hence the proposal of actions to contribute to the development of socio-emotional skills of social interaction and interpersonal relationships in technical careers in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Sarmiento Montoya, L. M., Tubay Pilay, P. F., Sosa Zerna, R. K., & Sanabria Hinojoza, J. E. (2024). Neuropedagogía And stimulation to the development of the abilities socioemocionales in technical careers. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(4), 2243–2253. Retrieved from


