Teacher training program in language and communication for the development of communicative skills in the classroom
Teacher training program, language and communication of communicative competencesAbstract
Introduction: At a global level, communicative competence is recognized as an essential skill in today's world, where effective communication is key in all areas of life. In Latin America, this need is accentuated by the cultural and linguistic diversity of the region, which makes training in language and communication even more relevant. In Ecuador, specifically, the implementation of teacher training programs in language and communication for early childhood educators is an important step towards improving educational quality and the comprehensive development of students from an early age. Materials and methods: The present study, framed in a mixed research approach, analyzes the communicative competence of Early Childhood Education students and the relevance of teacher training programs in language and communication. Results: The results show the need to strengthen teachers' communication skills, implement innovative and contextualized methodologies, and promote the effective use of digital technologies in the classroom. The study proposes a comprehensive teacher training program that addresses the holistic dimensions of communicative competence, promotes experiential and collaborative learning, and considers student diversity. Discussion: The importance of nonverbal communication, the role of the teacher as a communicative model, and the promotion of peer interaction are highlighted. Conclusions: In conclusion, the study emphasizes the relevance of communicative competences in early childhood education and provides valuable recommendations for the design and implementation of effective teacher training programs.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yurelquis Marzo Villalón, Yordenis Ramos López, Sebastián Andrés Delgado Robles, Yuli Fernanda Almenaba Guerrero
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