Threats in human settlements. Case of the 9 de octubre neighborhood of Anconcito Parish


  • Jorge Enrique Saavedra Palma Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Juliana Lisbeth Anzulez Arteaga Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Diana Carolina Suárez Villao Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


Settlements, Landslides, Cliffs, Risk, Threats


Introduction: Human settlements arise from the need for individuals to permanently establish themselves in a territory, using resources and opportunities to create favorable living conditions. The objective of the article was “Diagnose the current situation of human settlements in the risk zone of the 9 de Octubre neighborhood of the Anconcito parish.” Materials and methods: The study was exploratory in nature and based its knowledge on obtaining qualitative and quantitative data, study techniques based on survey and interview formats were applied, the sample consisted of 72 affected families and 3 key social actors. The results indicate that 11.1% of residents consider that the level of risk is unsafe due to natural phenomena, such as heavy rains, the 2016 earthquake and other events that generated home losses, 48.6% of those surveyed stated that the risks from possible natural disasters are of medium magnitude, considering that landslides directly affect the neighborhood due to the slope on which it is located. Discussion: Reyna et al. (2020) states that a human settlement not only encompasses the residence of populations, but also the problems that emerge from their permanence, such as climate change and natural phenomena. Conclusions: It is concluded that the unawareness of people despite the progressive risk in the sector affects the action by the competent authorities as they do not perceive concern or alarm for those affected.


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How to Cite

Saavedra Palma, J. E., Anzulez Arteaga, J. L., & Suárez Villao, D. C. (2024). Threats in human settlements. Case of the 9 de octubre neighborhood of Anconcito Parish. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(4), 2085–2093. Retrieved from


