Play strategy to stimulate oral language in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder; oral language; play strategy; developmentAbstract
Introduction: In the educational system and family environment there are barriers that do not allow the development of meaningful, sequential, dynamic learning in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; one of the barriers is the development of language, evidencing practices of segregation and school isolation. The objective was to develop a ludic strategy to stimulate oral language in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder aged 5 years old from the United Nations basic education school in Portoviejo-Manabí-Ecuador. Materials and Methods: The methodology applied was non-experimental, through a case study, with a mixed approach based on a descriptive type of study, whose theoretical methods were analysis and synthesis, inductive-deductive, among the empirical methods were used the Childhood Autism Rating Scale test to a 5 year old child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In addition, an interview to the child's mother and a survey to 28 teachers were applied. The mathematical methods were descriptive statistics. Results: according to the evaluation barometer of 42.5, it was determined that the score is higher (p>=36) showing a severe degree of autism, in the family relationship the response was observed in a reduced and little communicative way. In the educational field, it was determined that there are difficulties in the integration processes in the classroom; educational inclusion does not lead to an improvement in learning. Discussion: The commitment and effectiveness of professionals who apply strategic interventions in the classroom are fundamental for the development and well-being of students with autism. Conclusion: It is determined that the ludic strategy, developed through a set of activities would help the development of oral language in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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