Discourse on xenophobia and university educational inclusion in Venezuelan women in condition of human mobility
Migration, social inclusion, xenophobiaAbstract
Introduction: This study focuses on the experiences of Venezuelan women in situations of human mobility in the city of Ibarra during the year 2023, primarily exploring the issues of xenophobia and university educational inclusion. The aim is to understand how these women face discrimination and achieve inclusion in an academic and social environment. Objective: The main objective is to understand the experiences of Venezuelan women in the face of xenophobia and their inclusion in university education in Ibarra, as well as to analyze the community's attitudes towards this group during their integration process. Materials and Methods: An interpretative paradigm and a qualitative approach were adopted, using focus groups as the main data collection method. Additionally, complementary methods such as demographic data collection, participant observation, and narrative analysis were employed. A phenomenological and ethnomethodological approach was followed to delve into the experiences of these women and how they are affected by xenophobia and discrimination in the university environment. Results: The results revealed complex experiences of exclusion, discrimination, and stigmatization experienced by Venezuelan women in Ibarra. Emerging patterns in their perceptions and experiences were identified, as well as the strategies they use to face these challenges and find a sense of community within the university. Discussion: The discussion focused on the importance of understanding the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in academic and social contexts. The need for institutional policies and practices that promote greater equity in higher education was highlighted, recognizing the specific challenges faced by Venezuelan women in situations of human mobility. Conclusions: The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the experiences of Venezuelan women in Ibarra regarding xenophobia and university educational inclusion. The importance of addressing these issues from an interpretative and qualitative perspective is emphasized, as well as the need for concrete actions to promote the success of this group in higher education.
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