The orientation to the family for the attention to difficulties of the behavior in students of the Basic General Education


  • Yessenia Patricia Ajila Rodríguez Unidad Educativa “Prof. Jorge Amable Quezada Pinzón”, Ecuador
  • Ligia Elena Herrera Paladines Unidad Educativa “Prof. Jorge Amable Quezada Pinzón”, Ecuador
  • Ana Felicia Celeiro Carbonell Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Wilber Ortíz Aguilar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


family guidance, school-family, student behavior, General Basic Education.


Introduction: School and family are two educational agencies whose links are decisive for the success of the formative process; family guidance as part of educational guidance plays a fundamental role in education, for this reason the subject has been widely addressed in professional pedagogical practice and in educational research, but it is not exhausted, there are still insufficiencies that are evident in the behavior of students; specifically in the 5th grade of the Jorge Amable Quezada Pinzón Educational Unit, there are insufficiencies in the school-family link. This situation motivated the authors to investigate with the objective of designing a family educational guidance strategy to contribute to improve the behavior of students. Materials and methods: For its development, different methods and techniques were used such as observation, interviews and surveys, the feasibility of the contribution was corroborated through a socialization workshop and action research. Results: The proposed strategy showed effectiveness in the use of projective techniques with students and the instructional material for the family guidance process to improve student behavior. Discussion: The development of the socialization workshop and the partial implementation through action research with a group of 17 students from the Prof. Jorge Amable Quezada Pinzón Educational Unit in Ecuador allowed us to verify its feasibility and relevance, and its potential, which were integrated into the educational work system for this school level from the cooperative work between educators, directors and family members in order to achieve better student behavior. Conclusions: The designed actions favored behavior, motivating students and parents, especially those associated with the development of projective techniques with students and the instructional material made available to parents. Both stimulated successful behavior, becoming a novel experience that facilitates the educational work of the school.


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How to Cite

Ajila Rodríguez, Y. P., Herrera Paladines, L. E., Celeiro Carbonell, A. F., & Ortíz Aguilar, W. (2024). The orientation to the family for the attention to difficulties of the behavior in students of the Basic General Education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1188–1197. Retrieved from




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