Inglés Problem solving in the balance of the theory-practice relationship and its impact on Technical baccalaureate Computer Science learning


  • Fabián Josue Bravo Meza Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Cristhian Luis Manzaba Villegas Unidad Educativa Almirante Alfredo Poveda Urbano, Ecuador
  • Raul Alejandro Montes de Oca Celerio Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Odette Martínez Pérez Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


practical theory, problem solving, technical training


Introduction: The study addresses the relationship between theory and practice in technical skills learning, highlighting its importance in technical education and how problem-solving strategy emerges as a crucial element to balance theoretical knowledge with its practical application. It is argued that this relationship is fundamental for the effective development of competencies in technical training students, especially in technology-oriented educational environments. Materials and methods: It is based on educational theories by authors such as Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey, and Priede, highlighting the intersection between pedagogical strategy and the educational process. The methodology combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, with an emphasis on action research in the classroom. Document analysis, interviews, and pedagogical tests are carried out to understand how problem-solving influences the integration of theory and practice. Results: It highlights the importance of comprehensive teaching that not only focuses on the transmission of theoretical knowledge, but also encourages the practical application of this knowledge in real-world situations. Discussion: The design of the problem-solving strategy favors the balance between theory and practice, thus improving the teaching-learning process in technical training. Conclusions: In addition, the importance of continuing to explore this relationship is underlined in order to better understand how these strategies can improve technical education, especially in the Ecuadorian context.


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How to Cite

Bravo Meza , F. J., Manzaba Villegas, C. L., Montes de Oca Celerio, R. A., & Martínez Pérez, O. (2024). Inglés Problem solving in the balance of the theory-practice relationship and its impact on Technical baccalaureate Computer Science learning. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1126–1140. Retrieved from


