The formation of Accounting and Finance teachers' professional pedagogical competence: a pre-experimental study


  • Yudenalbis La O Mendoza Instituto Politécnico de Economía "José Martí Pérez" de La Habana, Cuba
  • Rosa Ana Jaime Ojeda Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Mayelin Cabezas Salmon Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


professional competences, professional pedagogical competence, Accounting and Finance teacher


Introduction: Currently, professional pedagogical competencies are recognized as an articulated set of knowledge, abilities, skills, behaviors and types of attitudes that define superior performance, which allows the competencies to be adopted as references for professional performance. The objective of the research was to assess the relevance of a pedagogical strategy for the formation of the professional pedagogical competence of the Accounting and Finance teacher of the “José Martí Pérez” Polytechnic Institute of Economics of the Diez de Octubre municipality, Havana, during the course academic 2022-2023. Materials and methods: An investigative process was developed based on the mixed research approach, which led to developing actions related to the collection, analysis and integration of quantitative and qualitative data in a pre-experimental study of pre and post intervention, with a single group. . Results: The assessment of the relevance of the pedagogical strategy for the formation of the professional pedagogical competence of the Accounting and Finance teacher of the polytechnic institutes of Economics allowed us to verify positive transformations in the process of pedagogical professional improvement of this teacher and support the relevance of the scientific results provided. Discussion: The implementation of the stages and steps of the pedagogical strategy makes it possible to synthesize that the affective-motivational dimension maintains an adequate state of the indicators, establishment of relationships with co-workers, students, family and community factors, and work in groups. . Conclusions: When comparing the results with similar works carried out in other contexts, it was identified that the validated proposal allowed us to corroborate that the formation of the professional pedagogical competence of this teacher requires the establishment of a pedagogical strategy that guides the teacher's motivation. for the pedagogical activity it develops, specifically in the aspect referring to the motivational orientations mediated by the personal and social projects that guide its performance.


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How to Cite

La O Mendoza, Y., Jaime Ojeda, R. A., & Cabezas Salmon, M. (2024). The formation of Accounting and Finance teachers’ professional pedagogical competence: a pre-experimental study. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2), 743–749. Retrieved from


