Problem-based learning and its relationship to the teaching-learning process of mathematics. Educational Unit Cotopaxi Sports Federation period 2023-2024


  • Wilmer Javier Changoluisa Toaquiza Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo y Unidad Educativa Federación Deportiva de Cotopaxi, Ecuador
  • Edgar Vicente Pastrano Quintana Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


teacher, teaching-learning, problems, reality.


Introduction: The present research had as its research objective: Analyze Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and its relationship in the teaching-learning process of the students of the Educational Unit “Federación Deportiva de Cotopaxi” Cantón La Maná; period 2023-2024, which will allow the improvement of mathematics learning, the type of applied research was descriptive in nature with a qualitative approach. Materials and methods: Methods such as inductive and deductive were used, in order to guarantee extensive knowledge of the research object, the technique used was an interview with the director and a survey directed at teachers and students. Results: The student population surveyed states that they are unaware of the problem-based learning strategy, and they also express that their poor academic performance is affected by the limited application of innovative teaching strategies and they agree that the teacher should apply it in mathematics classes for improvement of the teaching-learning process. Discussion: What was expressed by the teachers confirms the impact on student performance in mathematics, and they also consider its application necessary to improve their teaching process and believe that it is ideal for the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes in students through real situations. Conclusions: With the results found in the evaluation, it was proposed to carry out a teacher training plan on Problem-Based Learning in mathematics.


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How to Cite

Changoluisa Toaquiza, W. J., & Pastrano Quintana, E. V. (2024). Problem-based learning and its relationship to the teaching-learning process of mathematics. Educational Unit Cotopaxi Sports Federation period 2023-2024. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2). Retrieved from




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