Communicative-educational-care performance from the pedagogical training of the Bachelor of Nursing student


  • Xiomara Parra Mejías Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yaritza Tardo Fernández Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • José Antúnez Coca Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Nursing; Communication; Health Communication


Introduction. The training process of Nursing professionals is concerned with diagnosing and treating, in the area of
their competencies, individual and collective responses to the manifestations of the health-disease process. Objective.
Characterize the communicative-educational-care performance from the pedagogical training process of the Bachelor
of Nursing student in terms of its dynamics. Methods. A descriptive longitudinal study and prospective data collection
was carried out, during the 2020-2021 academic year, at the Faculty of Nursing Health Technology of Santiago de Cuba,
in relation to the epistemological analysis of the communicative-educational-care performance during the process. of
pedagogical training for the Bachelor of Nursing student, based on an extensive bibliographic review and regulations of
the Ministry of Public Health related to the subject. An analysis of pre-professional results in healthcare areas was also
included, and of reports on scientific work presented in faculty and other faculty. Other instruments were applied such as: observation guides, interviews with teachers and tutors, and a student survey. Triangulation of the data obtained was carried
out. Results. Limited mastery of educational instruments, inadequate use of effective communication and the development
of health educational actions are revealed. In interviews with teachers and tutors, it is confirmed that the current treatment
of pedagogical work is insufficient in terms of achieving relevant communicative, educational and care relationships. In the
student surveys, the way in which the process is developed is considered irregular, due to little treatment of content related
to the pedagogical topic. Conclusions. Limited systematization of the communicative, educational and care dimensions in
the Nursing Care Process was confirmed, as a scientific method, from the pedagogical training of the future professional.


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How to Cite

Parra Mejías, X., Tardo Fernández, Y., & Antúnez Coca, J. (2023). Communicative-educational-care performance from the pedagogical training of the Bachelor of Nursing student. Maestro Y Sociedad, 480–486. Retrieved from



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