Didactics and its impact on the meaningful learning of Natural Sciences in students in Ecuador


  • Jessenia Maricel Lino Choez Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Valencia, Ecuador
  • Cruz Alexandra Bravo Loor Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Valencia, Ecuador
  • Jennit Amparo Oña Jiménez Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Valencia, Ecuador
  • Andira Monserrate Alcívar Moreira Unidad Educativa Ciudad de Valencia, Ecuador


student, learning, teaching strategies, didactics, teacher


Didactics as a general theory of teaching investigates a particular discipline of pedagogy: the teaching-learning process. The objective is to analyze didactics and its impact on the meaningful learning of Natural Sciences in students of the Manuel Viteri Camacho Educational Unit. It is proposed the following objective in this research: Analyze the incidence of Didactics in the significant learning in Natural Sciences of the students, of the Manuel Viteri Camacho Educational Unit. The research is framed in the qualitative-quantitative approach, of a documentary and field modality; The survey was used to collect information. The selected sample is 166 students, 18 teachers and one director of the institution. For the analysis of the statistical test, the hypothesis was taken into account: “If we use didactic methods, it will allow the improvement of significant learning in the area of natural sciences of the students of Basic General Education of the “Manuel Viteri Camacho” Educational Unit. For the statistical analysis, several questions have been taken that are directly related to the hypothesis, which was demonstrated. According to the result obtained after having carried out the respective quantifiable analysis, it has emerged that when applying the survey to teachers and students they approve with 57 %, you must know the teaching methods, which will allow you to improve significant learning to obtain positive results in teaching-learning of students of the Manuel Viteri Camacho Educational Unit, Cantón Quevedo, Province of Los Ríos. Republic of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Lino Choez, J. M., Bravo Loor, C. A., Oña Jiménez, J. A., & Alcívar Moreira, A. M. (2023). Didactics and its impact on the meaningful learning of Natural Sciences in students in Ecuador. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 1030–1037. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6265




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