The prevention of suicidal behaviors in young university students


  • Alianne Montero Calunga Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yelena Mafrán Domínguez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


university youths, suicidal conducts; training; prevention; orientation


Introduction: The post Covid stage has increased depression, stress, apathy, irritability, insomnia, anger and emotional exhaustion in people. Youths have been affected in more quantity when manifesting a diversity of emotions which constitute factors associated with the long term suicidal risk. Hence, the need to investigate about the inadequacies that university teachers manifest in the educational orientation to prevent suicidal behaviors in students, which limit their educational work in the different formative spaces. Materials and methods: worked with a population of 132 teachers and the intentional sample of 42 professors of two teaching educational departments of the Faculty of Sciences of Education. Results: The diagnosis yielded on the part of teachers; insufficient knowledge about resources and ways to recognize and manage the risk of the suicidal behaviors. Discussion: the design of a teacher training strategy in the prevention of suicidal behaviors in university youths allows its implementation for the curricular and extracurricular way, as a program of universal prevention. Conclusions: The Cabinet of Educational Orientation of the Eastern University has increased the its visibility and effectiveness starting from the teachers’ preventive and guiding acting, which has been favored by the training on topics related to the suicidal behaviors in youths.


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How to Cite

Montero Calunga, A., & Mafrán Domínguez, Y. (2023). The prevention of suicidal behaviors in young university students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 88–94. Retrieved from



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