Educational orientation for a reflective learning in adolescents of Basic Secondary


  • Yuleisi Morgado Plumer Escuela Secundaria Básica Omar Girón Alvarado de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Irela Margarita Paz Domínguez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Eulogio Gámez Rodríguez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


educational orientation, reflective learning, teaching tasks, history teaching


Introduction. The educator is a counselor, who helps the student and guides him to get to know himself better, in terms
of his limitations and development possibilities, so that he can make his own decisions. This process must proceed from
each subject; however, there are still difficulties in the teaching of History, which limits the quality of the comprehensive
education of Basic Secondary students. Based on the above, an investigation was carried out with the objective of
developing a system of teaching tasks in the teaching of History for the development of reflective learning in adolescents
in Basic Secondary. Materials and methods. Theoretical methods were used for this purpose: analysis-synthesis, historicallogical, inductive-deductive and system approach. As empirical methods, observation, survey, composition technique
and pedagogical test were used. Results. Problems associated with the low reflexivity, activation and motivation of
the students in their learning, were verified, related to the limitations in the execution of the classes by the teachers,
which raised the need to look for new ways, through the proposal of a system of teaching tasks in the subject History of Cuba in ninth grade, to activate the learning process in students. Discussion. The proposed system of tasks has focused
on the development of reflective learning from the orientation of the content of the story, managing to make it more
significant, promoting the search for innovative solutions to the tasks, reflection and the affective bond with the content.
Conclusions. The proposal made is not a rigid scheme, it is a system susceptible to modifications (add, omit or change
tasks), in relation to the characteristics of the students (and the teacher himself), the learning needs of the students and
the group dynamics that exist.


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How to Cite

Morgado Plumer, Y., Paz Domínguez, I. M., & Gámez Rodríguez, E. (2023). Educational orientation for a reflective learning in adolescents of Basic Secondary. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 906–915. Retrieved from


