Community participation and sociocultural development of the Brisas del Mar sector of Salinas canton

Community participation and sociocultural development of the Brisas del Mar sector of Salinas canton


  • Sandra Anabel Reyes Reyes Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE, Ecuador
  • Margarita Palma Samaniego Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador


Community participation, development, sociocultural


Introduction: The research proposed is based on the little participation of the inhabitants of the Brisas del Mar sector of the Salinas canton, framing the sociocultural development of their community, so it is important to know the subject of study and the different situations that lead citizens to have active participation within its territory. The objective of the research analysis is to know the relationship that exists between community participation and sociocultural development, for the due improvement of a participatory diagnosis in the Brisas del Mar sector as a motivation mechanism in decision-making. Materials and methods: The research approach in the subject of study was based on the mixed approach, the types of research were explanatory and analytical where it allows us to know the causes and effects of the problem to be investigated. The techniques and instruments used in the subject of study were observation, survey and interview. Results: In the analysis of the data it was possible to verify that the low participation of the inhabitants is a problem that affects the sociocultural development of the sector, the main causes that generate this situation is the lack of communication between the social actors and the inhabitants since They do not know how to participate in the decisions of their environment. Discussion: Active participation of citizens and different social actors contributes to improving the quality of life of the population. Conclusions: Community participation strengthens the different organizational groups that, based on the identification of problems, can generate alternative solutions through the involvement of citizens in decision-making.


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How to Cite

Reyes Reyes, S. A., & Palma Samaniego, M. (2023). Community participation and sociocultural development of the Brisas del Mar sector of Salinas canton: Community participation and sociocultural development of the Brisas del Mar sector of Salinas canton. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 679–686. Retrieved from




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