Analysis of the Popular Solidarity Economy in the social development of Ecuador

Analysis of the Popular Solidarity Economy in the social development of Ecuador


  • Nelly Panchi Castro Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
  • Margarita Palma Samaniego Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
  • Erwin Gustavo Muñoz Montiel Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Flor Emperatriz Garcés Mancero Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador


Popular Economy, solidarity economy, Socioeconomic Development


Introduction: The cooperation system has existed since the beginning of the human race, which by necessity were forced to exchange products, goods and services, which according to the evolution of economic systems have developed countries, creating a new mode of production. , distribution and commercial inclusion to sectors that have been lagging behind for decades, “this supposes changes from the political spheres and even reforms for the improvement of the social spheres. Materials and methods: This research focuses on the impact of the cooperative system on the development of the national economy, which can be known as a basis for the comparative analysis of historical and current indicators, to determine its dimensions that allow an evaluation of the evolution of the cooperatives of the Popular and Solidarity Economy of Ecuador. Results: The Popular Solidarity Economy from its beginnings allows the social development of an economic model that originates in associative, egalitarian, cooperative and solidary work with ancestral knowledge and respecting nature, which is being implemented by indigenous immigrants, montubios in the different cities of Ecuador, allowing the economic sustainability of the country in national and foreign investment, since the State guarantees workers full respect for their dignity, a decent life, fair wages and compensation, and the performance of a healthy and freely chosen and accepted. Discussion: The Popular and Solidarity Economy constitutes a consolidated alternative for the less favored sectors within the Ecuadorian economy. They allow the creation and implementation of enterprises, which in most cases do not have a long life, but the government encourages facilities for the development of local enterprises. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the strategies that are implemented through the principles of the cooperative system are attitudes, values and precepts that govern their activities, recognizing that their purpose is not to obtain personal profit, but to promote a spirit of service that is very useful for community development.


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How to Cite

Panchi Castro, N., Palma Samaniego, M., Muñoz Montiel, E. G., & Garcés Mancero, F. E. (2023). Analysis of the Popular Solidarity Economy in the social development of Ecuador: Analysis of the Popular Solidarity Economy in the social development of Ecuador. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 545–551. Retrieved from




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