Codes of ethics in the information content on Radio Salinas 103.3 FM

Codes of ethics in the information content on Radio Salinas 103.3 FM


  • Vicente Rafael Del Pezo Yagual Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Benjamín Wilson León Valle Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


Codes of ethics, informative content, data verification, journalistic ethics and media


Introduction: Deontological codes are fundamental within a communication medium and its usability marks the ethical image of the journalist. In this document, the use of deontological codes in the communication medium Radio Salinas 103.3Fm was analyzed, in the same way, the way in which the medium carries out the verification of the informative contents that are published on social networks and that They are broadcast as part of the news program “Ola Informativa”. Materials and methods: For this, applied research was used, under a qualitative approach, in addition, the inductive-explanatory method was used with the objective of evaluating the use of deontological codes within the informative contents, through the execution of two techniques (interview and focus group), an instrument based on structured questions addressed to the presenters of the news program "Ola Informativa", in addition, to the director of the media, to a specialist in journalism. Results: The results obtained indicate that the communication medium maintains a good practice in the use of its deontological codes, the Journalistic Ethics Code of Ecuador, the same ones that are applied within the contrasting and verification of the informative contents before publishing them on the medium's social networks. Discussion: This code is part of the radio and is found within its web page, therefore, the staff must abide by this code and take into account that there is also the code of ethics, where they talk about journalism with the community and the journalism with professional practice. Conclusions: The social responsibility of the press and the deontological dilemmas that journalists have with respect to interviews and when granting the right to reply were evidenced.


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How to Cite

Del Pezo Yagual, V. R., & León Valle, B. W. (2023). Codes of ethics in the information content on Radio Salinas 103.3 FM: Codes of ethics in the information content on Radio Salinas 103.3 FM. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 534–544. Retrieved from


