Higher education and unemployment in adults of the neighborhood 6 de December of the La Libertad canton

Higher education and unemployment in adults of the neighborhood 6 de December of the La Libertad canton


  • Katherine Elizabeth Tomalá Espinales Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Margarita Palma Samaniego Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Ecuador


Higher Education, Experience and professional skills, Unemployment, Economically Active Population


Introduction: Companies represent the fundamental axis of the economic system and one of the main job seekers, but every day they demand a workforce with more education, experience and professional skills. This article analyzes higher education and unemployment in adults from Barrio 6 de Diciembre in La Libertad canton, during the year 2022. Materials and methods: This is a research with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental, transectional, basic and with descriptive level; whose data collection techniques are both documentary and field. For the collection of documentary information, information from the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses and the National Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment Survey of Ecuador is used; and for the field study, a structured survey with open questions of dichotomous type was prepared. Results: The results indicate that the professional adults of the Barrio 6 de Diciembre of La Libertad canton, who have received a higher university education, were little affected by unemployment during the year 2022; However, not all of the employability of the period was of a formal type, since some of the professionals had to resort to informal work, or make the decision to accept jobs that were not consistent with their line of professional training. Discussion: With each economic transformation, the need to approach education as an important social system is reinforced, which takes into account the needs of society and the human being that it intends to train. Conclusions: It is concluded that higher education is a fundamental factor in the reduction of informal employment and unemployment, however, it is necessary to identify the needs of companies and the characteristics of future employees, as a key element for the educational system and country training.


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How to Cite

Tomalá Espinales, K. E., & Palma Samaniego, M. (2023). Higher education and unemployment in adults of the neighborhood 6 de December of the La Libertad canton: Higher education and unemployment in adults of the neighborhood 6 de December of the La Libertad canton. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 504–516. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6079




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