Didactic administration for the environmental sostenibilidad from the one post grade for the educational of History

Didactic administration for the environmental sostenibilidad from the one post grade for the educational of History


  • Yiliannis Martínez Almarales Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Xavier Lasso León Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Adaris Parada Ulloa Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


environmental education, environmental sustainability, didactic management, History


Introduction: Educational practices from the environmental education component for sustainable development, constitute one of the essential purposes in the postgraduate professional improvement of teachers, due to its impact on public policies that aspire to an anthro-ecological balance. For this reason, a study is carried out with the objective of implementing a methodology for the didactic management of environmental sustainability in the teachers of the History discipline, of Cuban general education and that implements from their actions the aspirations of the 2030 Agenda of the Nations. United. Materials and methods: Research methods and techniques were used such as synthesis analysis, systemic-structural, holistic-configurational, observation, interviews and surveys, as well as percentage analysis, among others. Results: Its results reflect that the proposal is feasible and favors the didactic treatment of the component. In addition, it reveals its theoretical and methodological value in improving their professional performance, which demonstrates the need for its application. Discussion: Studying the scope of the postgraduate improvement process of History teachers around the environmental component implies focusing on the teacher; from his condition of active agent in the direction of the teaching-learning process. The fulfillment of their functions and teaching and methodological scientific tasks, express a system of causal relationships that favor the result of the management of methodological work. Conclusions: The study also evidenced the limitations in the process of overcoming teachers for the didactic treatment of the component and the formation of an environmental culture, as well as the potential it offers for citizen education and values.


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How to Cite

Martínez Almarales, Y., Lasso León, X., & Parada Ulloa, A. (2023). Didactic administration for the environmental sostenibilidad from the one post grade for the educational of History: Didactic administration for the environmental sostenibilidad from the one post grade for the educational of History. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 434–446. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6072


