Educational strategy for the strengthening of human values in the Municipal University Center Palma Soriano

Educational strategy for the strengthening of human values in the Municipal University Center Palma Soriano


  • Yunia Zamora Cuñat Centro Universitario Municipal Palma Soriano, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yelena Fernández Díaz Centro Universitario Municipal Palma Soriano, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yasmina Guilbeaux Milhet Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Lázara Esther de la Fe Batista Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


student, history major, educational work, training in values, Educational Strategy


Introduction: The university student training model expresses the need for solid training, attitudes, habits to obtain active and meaningful learning, a spirit of investigation, as well as requiring the incorporation of actions that favor the strengthening of human values. Materials and methods: An investigation was carried out at the Palma Soriano Municipal University Center. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, document review and empirical: participant observation, interviews and surveys. Results: Evidencing inappropriate behaviors, as well as confirming the insufficient work of teachers to promote education in values, which does not correspond to what is established in the institution and society. 70.2% of the students externalize ways of feeling and acting that do not correspond to what is aspired in the modern Cuban university. Discussion: It was evidenced that there is a limited use of teaching scenarios to promote educational work and reinforce the treatment of the contents of the subjects that develop education in values. Conclusions: It is concluded that the educational strategy proposed to develop education in values generated significant changes in the students, since they corrected the way of acting, thinking and contributed to solving the problems of the profession.


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How to Cite

Zamora Cuñat, Y., Fernández Díaz, Y., Guilbeaux Milhet, Y., & de la Fe Batista, L. E. (2023). Educational strategy for the strengthening of human values in the Municipal University Center Palma Soriano: Educational strategy for the strengthening of human values in the Municipal University Center Palma Soriano. Maestro Y Sociedad, 145–151. Retrieved from



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