Hybrid model of professional training and self-management of learning: need and challenge
Hybrid model of professional training and self-management of learning: need and challenge
Hybrid model of professional training, developer teaching learning process, learning self-managementAbstract
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has modified all aspects of social life, and led to a rethinking of ways of living. In the case of professional training, experiences with the implementation of distance education and long-standing face-to-face education in universities have advised assessing the need and relevance of implementing the hybrid training model.
Materials and methods: This article analyzes the challenges that this implies and proposes how to promote self-management of learning in the new context based on bibliographic analysis, the assessment of pedagogical experiences of the educational community, as surveys of University State Peninsula of Santa Elena students.
Results: The face-to-face and distance models that should be in the hybrid model are autonomous and self-located learning, collaboration, evaluation and the use of support materials in different supports. In the texts examined, there is a coincidence that both distance and hybrid education have potential for self-management of learning, since in both the process is centered on learning, which favors autonomous, meaningful, and collaborative learning.
Discussion: The hybrid model of education constitutes not only a necessity but also a didactic alternative that allows combining the possibilities offered by the face-to-face model and distance education for self-managed learning.
Conclusions: The implementation of the hybrid training model opens up a wide range of possibilities for the training process to promote self-management of learning, but at the same time it poses a challenge for universities and their cloisters.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gregory Edison Naranjo Vaca, Giselle Aurelia Rodríguez Caballero, Ricardo Javier Rodríguez Alzamora
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