Teacher training from Techno-Pedagogical Knowledge and Action Research

Teacher training from Techno-Pedagogical Knowledge and Action Research


  • Cecilia Mariana Ulloa-Espinoza Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres, Ecuador
  • Alfredo Nicolás Tenorio-Obregón Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres, Ecuador
  • Miryan Verónica Vera-Mera Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres, Ecuador


Teacher Training, techno-pedagogical knowledge, action research


This result was framed in a change in the teaching of Information and Communication Technologies as active and participatory learning tools in teachers in training. The purpose of the research is the application of the Pedagogical Technological Knowledge of Content model of Koehler, Mishra, and Cain (2015) that allows the appropriation of the potential offered by technologies on disciplinary, didactic, pedagogical and technological contents; This process was approached from the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Technical University of Esmeraldas "Luis Vargas Torres" of Ecuador, under a qualitative methodology of Action Research. The initial questions that guided the research are The techniques for the collection of information have been the participant observation focus group and analysis of documents and didactic activities carried out by teachers in training.


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How to Cite

Ulloa-Espinoza, C. M. ., Tenorio-Obregón, A. N. ., & Vera-Mera, M. V. . (2022). Teacher training from Techno-Pedagogical Knowledge and Action Research: Teacher training from Techno-Pedagogical Knowledge and Action Research. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(3), 1236–1253. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5670




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