Strategy for professional improvement of the speech therapist teacher for the care of students with hearing disabilities

Strategy for professional improvement of the speech therapist teacher for the care of students with hearing disabilities


  • Adnery Lozada-Ortiz Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Félix Huepp-Ramos Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Ariolki Fumero-Pérez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


professional improvement, speech therapist teacher, hearing disability, speech therapy care


Cuban Education gives priority to the continuous training of teachers to keep them updated in scientific and investigative work. With this perspective, a pedagogical strategy for the professional improvement of speech therapist teachers in the province of Santiago de Cuba was structured, aimed at perfecting the preparation of the aforementioned specialists for speech therapy to students with hearing disabilities. It is based on the materialist dialectical method, empirical level methods were used: documentary analysis; interview, specialist criteria and the theoretical level: historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, functional structural systemic; statistics: descriptive statistics and percentage calculation. It is concluded that said strategy constitutes a resource that guaranteed the improvement in the performance of these professionals by providing them with theoretical knowledge and specialized methodological procedures. It is characterized by the multifactorial, interdisciplinary, differentiated and contextualized nature of its actions.


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How to Cite

Lozada-Ortiz, A. ., Huepp-Ramos, F. ., & Fumero-Pérez, A. . (2022). Strategy for professional improvement of the speech therapist teacher for the care of students with hearing disabilities: Strategy for professional improvement of the speech therapist teacher for the care of students with hearing disabilities. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(3), 1061–1074. Retrieved from




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