User satisfaction in the Pucallpa registry office




user satisfaction, quality of care, capacity


The objective of this article is to measure the level of user satisfaction at the Registry Office - RENIEC. Pucallpa-Peru. The sample consisted of 175 users, through a questionnaire of questions, the level of perception of user satisfaction in the three specific areas was validated: Reports, Procedures and Civil Registry. The type of study was descriptive correlational-causal. The results conclude that the citizens who carry out procedures before the RENIEC qualify as medium the quality of the service provided by the registry institution of citizenship and marital status. Citizen perceptions show negative values, which means that users do not show confidence that care will improve, at least in a short time; In addition, the environments where they receive care do not meet the expectations to receive good care.


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How to Cite

(2022). User satisfaction in the Pucallpa registry office: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(1), 228–237. Retrieved from




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