Teaching-learning of Lean Manufacturing in Industrial Engineering career




Professional model; Active learning, Lean manufacturing; Industrial engineer


Lean Manufacturing, a term known in Spanish as manufactura esbelta, is a philosophy production that seeks to eradicate waste in the production and service processes. According to the occupational profile of the industrial engineer, this must be prepared to understand the changes made in the production system, the results of its implementation and the impact these will have for the organization and its workers. The objective of this work is to contribute, through a methodological proposal, to the future professional to understand the immediate and mediates impacts that will occur as a result of systemic thinking during the daily performance, to develop labor competencies in the implementation of the techniques and Lean Manufacturing tools, following the educational strategy of the Ministry of Higher Education for the Industrial Engineering career, in which the professional model and active learning strategies play a central role.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). Teaching-learning of Lean Manufacturing in Industrial Engineering career: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 881–895. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5383


