Methodological proposal for environmental education in the teaching of Chemistry




environmental education, environment, chemistry, teaching


This article starts from recognizing the contradiction between the efforts to develop Environmental Education and the little effectiveness in modifying modes of action, which allows us to reflect on the current methods used and the modifications necessary to achieve better results in the environmental educational influence from the teaching of the Chemistry subject. From an extensive bibliographic review; The experience of the authors in years of tutoring work, in methodological activities and visits to classes concludes that there is a reductionist interpretation of Environmental Education in pedagogical practice that considers only offering information on environmental problems. For its solution, methodological actions are proposed that can achieve greater educational effectiveness by using the Experiential Teaching Cycle, which allows the student to reflect on the incorrect modes of action, develop attitudes and motivations to actively participate in the improvement and protection of the environment.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). Methodological proposal for environmental education in the teaching of Chemistry: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(1), 177–187. Retrieved from




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