Methodological suggestions in primary school for the formation of national love from the ephemeris



  • Magalys Manzano Escuela Primaria “Otto Parellada”, Santiago de Cuba
  • Nirma Pérez-Pelipiche Universidad de Oriente
  • Oladis Osorio-Tamayo Escuela Primaria “Otto Parellada”, Santiago de Cuba
  • Yumilda Moret-Sánchez Escuela Primaria “Otto Parellada”, Santiago de Cuba


Ephemeris, methodological workshops, national love


The ephemeris are part of the objectives and contents of the subject The world in which we live, which in primary education contributes to the comprehensive education of the schoolchild by establishing the man-nature relationship and delving into the particularities of his country and the world. For the development of this research work, various methods were used: systematization, documentary analysis, observation and group interview. Workshops were held with the aim of strengthening the methodological preparation of teachers for creative work with ephemeris. The results achieved are samples of how the cognitive universe can be expanded if the subjects are related in a teaching beam that favors long-lasting learning.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2020). Methodological suggestions in primary school for the formation of national love from the ephemeris: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 191–199. Retrieved from



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